Rebuild ANHYDRO falling film vacuum evaporator unit


Rebuild ANHYDRO falling film vacuum evaporator unit



Complete ANHYDRO falling film vacuum evaporator with mechanical vapour recompression units – Originally designed as a TVR evaporator and in operation for milk concentration at a Norwegian dairy.

This evaporator plant was relocated and redesigned by BONTECH A/S (Denmark) for 6.500 kg/hour water evaporation for stick water from fish industry – and now operating with 2 units of mechanical vapour recovery units (MVR) in serial connection.

The 5 calendria has a total of 121, 100, 38, 38 and 13 pipes - each Ø51 mm and 7 meters long.

It is complete with CIP plant and still installed. This plant is in excellent working condition – and ready to be relocated and put back in operation, after reconditioning of pumps etc.

The Westfalia separator is not included in this listing.


ProducentANHYDRO evaporator rebuild by BONTECH A/S in 2002
ModelVacuum falling film evaporator with 2 MVR systems